career pathways Tag

CRITICAL INQUIRY + REPRESENTATION: Interrogating Appearances, Building Professional Identities, Crafting Campaigns /// Urban Futures Lab Module 4 asked Fellows to come with questions. Not just any questions, but better, more informed questions. In order to develop the skills of asking tough questions and excavate the roots of...

FELLOWS EXPLORE AND CRITICALLY ANALYZE LA’S SOCIOPOLITICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY Investigating LA’s Sociopolitical History Module 3 of the Urban Futures Lab challenged Fellows to dig beneath the surface of everyday life in Los Angeles. To do neighborhood-based work, it is essential that Fellows have a deeper...

FELLOWS DEVELOP THEIR EDUCATIONAL, LIFE + CAREER PATHWAYS THROUGH VISIONING EXERCISES + INDIVIDUAL MEDIA PROJECTS Professional Pathways In module 2 the Fellows focused on mapping their respective career paths, each beginning with an ambitious, values-based ‘life purpose’ vision to inform their more immediate professional development plan. This...