14 Sep Greetings from East LA featured in mini-series for METRANS
At the conclusion of the 2018-2019 academic year, the METRANS Transportation Center released a series of articles on Greetings from East LA. Each article was dedicated to one of the five student projects: Cesar Chavez Ave., Eastern Ave., First St., Ford Blvd., and Whittier Blvd.
Through the series, author Adylbek Abdykalikov (USC Price, International Public Policy and Management Program 2020) captured and communicated the ideas of Renaissance high school students regarding traffic safety along the East LA corridors, providing readers with insights on the students’ unique zines, maps and recommendations.
As METRANS shared, these recommendations were “crafted by the next generation of traffic planners.” We couldn’t agree more.
Follow the links to the articles:
- East LA High School Tackles Traffic Safety
- Improving Traffic Safety on Cesar Chavez Avenue: Our First in the ELARA Student Project Series
- Creating a Safe Eastern Avenue: Our Second in the ELARA Student Project Series
- Young Planners’ Vision for Improving First Street Corridor: Our Third in the ELARA Student Project Series
- High School Students Vision On Traffic Safety Along Ford Boulevard: Our Fourth in the ELARA Student Project Series
- Safety Along Whittier Boulevard: Our Fifth and Last in the ELARA Student Project Series
ABOUT the METRANS Transportation Center
“The METRANS Transportation Center was established in 1998 through the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) as the first University Transportation Center in Southern California. METRANS is a joint partnership of the University of Southern California (USC) and California State University, Long Beach (CSULB).
METRANS’ mission is to solve transportation problems of large metropolitan regions through interdisciplinary research, education and outreach.”