16 Mar NEA Two-Step Advocacy Resources
Talking points for calls:
- The NEA is the single largest national funder of nonprofit arts in America. NEA grants help leverage more than a 9 to 1 match in private charitable gifts and other state and local public funding.
- The NEA also has an exemplary partnership with the states, with 40 percent of program funds distributed through state arts agencies.
With only a $148 million annual budget, the NEA investments in the arts helps contribute to a $730 billion economic arts and culture economic industry, including 4.2 percent of the annual GDP and supporting 4.8 million jobs that yields a $26 billion trade surplus for the country. - For more than 50 years, the NEA has expanded access to the arts for all Americans, awarding grants in your congressional district and throughout all 50 states and U.S. Territories.
- NEA funding reaches small, rural towns through its “Our Town” grants and specifically helps our wounded soldiers and veterans with effective arts therapy.
The Ask: Please help ensure this work continues by supporting $155 million for the NEA in both the FY17 and FY18 budgets. Thank you for taking my views into account. I look forward to hearing your position on this important funding.
Bonus: I hope you will also sign the circulating bipartisan “Dear Colleague” appropriations letter, led by Reps. Slaughter and Lance, also calling for $155 million. Jack Spasiano with Rep. Slaughter is the staff contact. I hope I can count on you to lend your support.
Hashtags: #ArtsVote, #SaveTheNEA, #StandfortheArts
Find out more about National Endowment for the Arts- and National Endowment for the Humanities-supported projects in your district:
- NEA-funded projects by State
- NEH-funded projects by State
- Learn even more by checking out your state’s Humanities Council (all of which receive some funding from the NEH).
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